Dear our friends and colleagues,                                                                      B. Bystrica, 2nd March, 2021         

we are sending you greetings from Banská Bystrica, central Slovakia, from the heart of the festival Bábkarská Bystrica. We hope, you are all well and healthy and that the situation in your country is getting better. Unfortunately, we can not say the same about us and the situation here in Slovakia. It is getting worse over the last 2 weeks, especially in hospitals and with increasing number of infected patients. Our government extended the lockdown til the end of March, but if the situation does not get better, the government will close the country and the production will stop and so on.

In this situation, it is clear (obvious), that to organize THE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Bábkarská Bystrica which we intended to hold from 29th April to 2nd May 2021, will not be possible. The international festival is cancelled.

In autumn this year we have the chance to apply again for the grant for the following year (2022), what we will do. 

And we would be glad, if you can and will agree, to re-establish the contacts with you for the year 2022 (festival should be held in autumn 2022).

We want to say a big thank you for your collegiality and patience!

Hopefully, we all get through this epidemic well. Wishing you a good luck, ideas that do not leave you, health and strength.

Sincerely and with hope for the year 2022.

For our team,

Mgr. art. Iveta Škripková, PhD.

The directress


Bábkové divadlo na Rázcestí

Skuteckého 14

974 01 Banská Bystrica,






Video greetings for the guests of Bábkarská Bystrica TOUR 2020.
We were set to welcome ensembles from Denmark, Finland, Poland, France, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia, which were meant to perform for the Slovak audience. 

May 4, 2020


